From The Blue: The UK Alumni Association Podcast

Caroline Francis, Amanda Schagane & Marci Hicks

Caroline Francis, Amanda Schagane & Marci Hicks Season 1 Episode 2

It's hard to believe that 19 years ago, UK Alumni Career Services was just an idea. UK alumna Caroline Francis was tasked to create a valuable program for alumni to jumpstart careers, assist with career transitions, conduct resume reviews and share interview tips. She started part-time at just six hours per week and the program was never heavily marketed at the time. By word of mouth and successful experiences, meetings, counseling sessions and more, the UK Alumni Career Services team is now a sought after model for universities across the country. Caroline continues to lead UK Alumni Career Services along with Amanda Schagane, a fellow alumna, to never before seen heights and they still have dreams for the future. In this episode, colleague and fellow alumna Marci Hicks, talks with Caroline and Amanda about the history of UK Alumni Career Services and the plans they have to serve UK's 200,000 alumni. 

Here's a breakdown of what you will hear and links you'll want to check out along the way:

  • Introducing Caroline Francis and Amanda Schagane of UK Alumni Career Services. (1:38)
  • How UK Alumni Career Services began and where it is today. (3:16)
  • A day in the life of a UK Alumni Career Services counselor. (7:18)
  • Special programs you may have never known Alumni Career Services offers. (9:50)
  • One of the most credentialed Alumni Career Services team in the nation. (12:30)
  • Learn more about Job Club. (14:01)
  • Pivoting in response to COVID-19. (16:05)
  • Future plans for Alumni Career Services. (19:31)
  • Leadership Week is April 26-29. (21:13)
  • The Jane I. Morris Endowment Fund was created and how it supports Alumni Career Services. (22:10)
  • Alumni Career Service is a benefit for all Active and Life Members. Join now! (25:26)
  • Support Alumni Career Services on One Day for UK, the University of Kentucky’s day of giving on April 21. (28:08)